An Update

This is old -- posting from the future:

Hi! 久しぶりよふふー

It's been a while, I know, and a lot has happened! ^q^

I didn't mention this before, but I got hired to do freelance work with two different companies. It was really fun, and I was just in awe of the fact that I was getting paid to draw and animate. I could actually call myself a professional and that was pretty cool.

I wrote my first contract, had to say no to a project because it conflicted with my values (which was scary, by the way), and got to make work that I was really proud of because I got my hands dirty instead of being a perfectionist and tip-toeing around. The timing was spooky because when one job ended, I got picked up by another company. But it didn't last for long. After my last project I didn't have any work lined up, and I was back to working part time while looking for work. I was experiencing so much stress that it interfered with my health, so I moved back to Houston with my family.

It's been about four weeks now, and since then I've gotten an interview with [name withheld]! They gave me an assignment, and I made car ads and coupons for the first time, which was pretty fun, and now, I'll be going in for a final interview this upcoming Tuesday. And the best part about it? It's not sales! It's actually sort of relevant to what I studied. So, I'm really hoping that this is the one, because it's been just about a year since I've graduated and I would very much like a job. I got the job! It's been five months. I like it.

And, since I've been home, I've been drawing a lot more often. I stumbled upon istebrak and her videos, and they've pushed me to become a better artist, and also taught me some other things that I wont get into with this post or else it'll run long. But take a look at her videos -- you'll learn a lot!

So, I cleaned up my portfolio, took a look at my vimeo and realized that I can't call myself an animator and barely animate. So I've been trying discipline myself to make more work. But, I'll talk about my workflow later. There are some other things I want to tell you.

I've been working on a few things. One of them is to update an old video that I made sophomore year of college. It's sort of a noire detective thing or another. I originally made stills that were animated in After Effects, but now I want to do some frame-by-frame animation and make the images a bit cleaner. And also add sound. :P I've done some research and redrew some character designs and made a rough storyboard since then. 

- end of post-

I'll be trying to post more again, if only to get the ideas out, because I have a lot. 


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