nth dimension mansion - story brainstorming

It's been a while. This week was pretty slow -- difficult to get anything done because of, well, my laziness.

Anyway, back to this project.

First, let's set the mood with some music.

I built this table all by myself.
I went through hell and it didn't help that I smoked a couple cigarettes
and didn't sleep for seven days.
The cofee was too strong...

The first time I heard this song, these lyrics caught my ear (is that a thing?) and I thought to myself "there's a story here". Looking at these words now, it actually looks so plain, but when I listened to the music it felt to me like this guy just hopped through different dimensions and endured more than his heart could take -- all for this dumb coffee table. But he's had so much coffee, he's wired and it did things to him. That coffee table was worth all of the horribly bizzarre things that he was dragged through. Maybe he was like "dude I gotta make a coffee table for this amazing coffee" and he just did it, even though he has no skills in carpentry. Maybe, a hole ripped open and his uncle's expensive coffee table got sucked in, and he went through great lengths to get it back.

I made a small playlist later, consisting of Fiction, Cut to Black,  and The End.
But really, practically anything by Lemaitre has been intrumental towards helping me to visualize the world and its protagonist.

I kind of envisioned this country home or mansion, somewhat regarded by the remote neighbors in the same way as dracula's castle, rumored to be haunted, with an eerie sort of serenity.

The protagonist is meek, mild-mannered, alone. His uncle dies and leaves him his country home as part of his inheritence. Having felt as if he's already failed as an adult, the protagonist takes up the offer and strives to become a shut-in. He lives peacefully in his uncle's home, until he starts to experience some strange things.

As for the meat of things, I'm still trying to figure that out. I wanted to play with the concept of parallel universes, multiple planes of existences, higher dimensions, and how those things can make a house seem haunted. For instance, anything in the fourth dimension is invisible, because it extends into a plane that we can't see, or something like that. It's like a 2D plane folding into 3D space, and appearing to have vanished from the second dimension's point of view. If you're interested or want a better explanation, I would watch Flatland, about 27 minutes in.

Some movie inspirations about multiple dimensions:
The Box
Mr. Nobody
The Prestige

I haven't seen Coherence and Mr. Nobody. Hopefully I can watch them soon.

That's about it for now. I'm gonna take a nap.


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