A Cool and Helpful Detour

I found this channel called Jabrils in my youtube recommendations, and through his channel, I found his series on basic code. It's pretty amazing! In a short afternoon I learned some C# and Python, and it wasn't intimidating at all. He does a really good job of explaining things.

I thought it'd be helpful to watch his videos since GDscript, the language used in Godot, is based on Python, and I learned that C# is the language used in Unity. It was neat, because sure enough, I started to recall some of the stuff that I learned in the Godot tutorials. I had the context to better understand those concepts that I'd previously followed somewhat arbitrarily.

I really like the way the course is set up, because once you take the initial coding tutorial, you can then pick and choose what videos you want to watch, based on whatever concepts you struggled with. It kind of reminds me of the tutorial/hint system in Romancing SaGa, if you'd humor me for a bit:

If I recall correctly, it does have a standard battle tutorial, but then there are these NPCs in towns who will explain the mechanics more in depth, and the information is grouped by topic in a near perfect way, to where the topic you're looking for seems to always show up when you need it, based on your progress in the game.

But anyway, very exciting stuff. It seemed pretty daunting at first to try to learn code -- I thought I'd have to spend months learning, like, a college course's amount of coding language. But, it seems like it doesn't take much to at least gain your bearings in order to make some basic stuff.


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