
I got a weebly a loooong time ago, but haven't gotten around to publishing it. It was a site that I wanted to use to store all of my stories.

Completing this website is a pretty tall order. There's a lot of stuff on it that I need to flesh out, and I'm not really sure how to go about it. I think the issue is committing time to one story. There are so many that I get excited about, that I can't even choose.

I am pretty undisciplined, so maybe this'll be a good way to work on that.
Now, the hard part is making a decision. I have an independent study this upcoming semester, so I'm wondering if I should put all of my energy into that or work on something simultaneously with it... I guess, since I've never really finished anything, it'd be good to work on this independent study.

The goal is to practice level design, experiment with 3D texturing, improve my 3D modelling and animation skills, and utilize interactive objects and characters in Unity. The earlier I prepare for this project, the better chance I have in making a complete project. I just hope it's not too ambitious for a semester.

I had some ideas that I thought would be cool to make into a chill, 3D exploratory environment. I don't have proper titles for them, but..

Narcolepsy in Paris
Haunted nth dimension mansion
Quirky small town mystery

I don't want to do anything with too complex of a plot -- just something that has an interesting environment, charming characters, and some hint of a backstory that'll make the user curious enough to want to explore for answers. I also want it to look like an interactive comic/illustration. That'd be neat. Unfortunately, I can't come to a decision at this moment, so I'll just... give it some more thought today. Nothing wrong with that. I'll come back tomorrow and let you know if I've thought of anything or not. ;Y


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