Hi! I'll be using this blog for posting progress.

A few things about me:

I've been drawing since middle school. I started drawing because I had a bunch of ideas but didn't know how to draw. I came into college as an art major, but wanted to do more digital art, so I switched majors and got to learn animation, and even 3D stuff, which I initially hated. ;; Now I want to learn all sorts of stuff.

I want to do work that's meaningful. At first I just wanted to make cool things because I thought it would be fun, but I never realized how powerful media can be, and how much it plays a part in shaping our perception of the world. There are a lot of passionate fans and creators out there, and I want to get to know them, as well as the things that are important to them.

I'm very unorganized. I have a lot of ideas, but rarely can I see these ideas through to completion. It scares me a lot, actually. I could plan and write out a bunch of lists, and revise those lists and everything, but once I'm in the midst of it, it becomes another story. I don't really understand why things happen that way..

Anyway, let's hope that I can keep this blog updated with stuff. That's the idea -- to post progress, even if my work doesn't measure up to my hopes and dreams! haha

And, I know this platform isn't as open as tumblr, but if you want to put in your two cents, or want to do an art trade or something, let me know!


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