Some Sketches: Long Necks and Over-Working

I came home from work and thought I'd wind down with a bit of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

There is no "winding down" with Three Houses. 

It took about an hour and a half before I finally got to the next battle. Probably not how you're supposed to play it but --

Anyway, I was working on a character concept, and I had some issues with the neck. I often have trouble connecting the head and neck, especially when the head is in perspective. In the end, I think I just needed to make the neck and shoulders a bit wider. 

I’m starting to notice that the size of the head is relative to the width of the shoulders. Whenever something seems off, I try to adjust one of those two things, but neck thickness is another aspect that I didn’t think about until now. Many a year have I drawn the long and slender neck ahaha

Another thing I’d like to pay more attention to is the distance of the head from the shoulders. 

On another note, when I looked back at the original sketch, I felt that I’d lost a lot of the original intent of the drawing, so I tried it again.

I notice that I sometimes become so concerned about anatomical correctness that I sort of “over-work” the drawing until it becomes something else. I don’t mind the other result, but I think I arrived at that point because of a lack of confidence (“Am I doing it right?” etc. etc.). If I intend to draw something in a particular way, I should just go for it. 


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