It's Thursday. On Wednesday I learned Godot.

It's also been three years oops

It's kind of late where I am right now, but I wanted to update this blog since I've been doing a lot of things and want to keep that momentum going. I've made quite a few drafts attempting to keep track of all of it, but it feels too scripted and unnatural. I think I'm just going to upload whatever drawings I have and then just add commentary where I see fit.

I don't want to get too verbose, but I really want to be understood. Hopefully I can strike a good balance. That's why I tried bolding phrases in earlier entries, so that the main ideas would be easier to parse.


Lately, I've been learning Godot, and that's kind of... more work than I thought? As you might be able to tell, I'm a largely abstract thinker and just want to go straight into designing things, moving things around and whatnot. I love that Godot is super lightweight, but I didn't realize that I would have to write the scripts myself. If memory serves correctly, you could drag and drop elements from Unity into your scene, but the drawback of that was having a ton of code behind it. If I ever wanted to fix an issue or customize the element beyond adjusting the properties in the menu, i.e. change anything in the script, I would have to know how to read it. That being said, I'm hoping that taking the time to learn some basic code, even if in Godot's language, will be a good time investment.

Today was actually kind of fun. I spent some time learning how to make a brick breaker (breakout?) game by following HeartBeast's tutorial series. It mostly involved scripting, but that along with learning how to make and import scenes and other elements really helped me to get comfortable with the interface, as well as with writing lines of code.

I definitely feel as if I've crossed over an initial threshold, so I'm pretty excited to see what else I can learn. This is all, of course, because I had yet another game idea. Erm, five. I'll tell you about them later. Sooner than three years.


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