122915 - ただいま

Hi, sorry

I totally dropped the ball, didn't I?

This past semester, I decided not to take that independent study, because I thought that it would take up too much time, and boy did I make the right decision. Literally all of my classes had projects upon projects upon projects -- even the non-production classes. ahaha what

It should've been fun, but honestly, it wasn't. But, that's okay, because it was a pretty good learning experience. At the end of the semester, when I had to write a reflection for one of my classes, I learned that it's good to...

A) Be mindful of your objective and follow it
B) Break up large tasks into smaller tasks

Because content creation is such a slippery slope of "It could be better" it's really important to know when to stop, esepecially in light of deadlines. More important than meeting your own epxectations is making sure that you do what is asked of you.

I think that my work became more purposeful, because I had something to work towards this time, rather than an abstract expecation or picture in my head. And usually, even if you don't meet your own expectations, other people will appreciate your work, especially if they can't do what you can do. That's probably why they asked you to do it in the first place, right?

Another thing that I learned, but still struggle with, is just dong the work, even if you don't think that you'll make enough progress. Having something to work with is a lot better than having no work and less time. Again, it's good to have smaller goals to work towards, rather than just trying to plow through everything and finish it as soon as possible. That way, you can recognize the fact that you are making progress, rather than feeling as if you didn't do anything and will never fnish.

So, no art this time, but hopefully these thoughts were helpful.

Whether to pick up that project or just do something else now, I don't know. But I'll try to keep this thing updated. I'm in the process of looking for a job, but hopefully that just means an increase of work to be shared, since I need a bangin' portfolio ahahahueh


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