Unity Project

I gave it some thought, and I think that I'm going to go with "Haunted Nth Dimension House". Now I need to give it a better title. hueheh

I picked it, because there would be less characters to animate, and more objects to interact with. I'm hoping for it to be really quirky, with an endearing protagonist.

The plot isn't really developed much. It's mostly just been floating around as an idea, but I think that'll be okay. I'd like for this to be an environment that people can explore at their own pace, in no particular order.

In order to stay focused, I tried to create a to-do list of how I'd make this happen:

develop concept/"story"
character and environment design
3D modelling of characters and assets
protoype in Unity (boxes everywhere)
camera, 3rd person character controller
trexturing/uv wrapping
basic rigging, animation
interactive items, animation
AI, events

I've never completed anything like this from start to finish, so these are just guesses based on a previous class in which I worked on a much simpler project in Unity. Again, I'll be posting my progress as I go. If I'm doing something super inefficient or missing some key aspects to developing something like this, shoot me a comment!


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